肥胖纹;妊娠纹 Stretch marks are lines or marks on someone's skin caused by the skin stretching after the person's weight has changed rapidly. Women who have had children often have stretch marks.
There would be a cure for stretch marks. 将留下一条长长的手术痕迹。
Before we went to sleep, I would rub her belly with baby oil to counteract the stretch marks. 我们睡觉之前,我爱沾上婴儿油揉她的腹部,藉以缓和腹肌的扩展。
An operation called an abdominoplasty is carried out to remove excess fat and skin around the abdomen, and remove stretch marks below the belly button at the same time. 一项行动中被称为腹壁进行,以消除多余脂肪和皮肤周围的腹部,并移除舒展马克以下,肚脐在同一时间内。
I actually turned down the pageant because I didn't want to have to show my stretch marks from having been fat. 实际上,我没有参加这个庆典,因为我不想让人看到我由肥胖变瘦时出现的萎缩纹。
If I end up with stretch marks, sue his ass. 如果留疤,我就告那个蠢驴。
She'll have stretch marks after giving birth. 她生产过后会长斑的。
It smells good, and so far, there are no stretch marks. 它的味道很好,到目前为止,还没有伸展的痕迹。